Thursday, October 20, 2011

Loving Like Christ

Oh, the lessons we can learn from our Savior--from His unfailing love and endless faithfulness. In comparison with Him, how does our love look? Do we love like our Savior loved? Hudson Taylor, one of the greatest missionaries of all times, wrote in his journal one day, "When we look at ourselves--at the littleness of our love, the barrenness of our service, and the small progress we make toward perfection--how soul-refreshing it is to turn and gaze on Him." So often we fall so short in our strivings to imitate our Saviour. Yet He is forgiving, and He lifts us up when we fall--gives us another chance. Nothing can separate us from God's love. It reaches on and on. It was love for the world that motivated God to send His only Son to die in the place of sinners. Can we love like that? So unselfishly, so freely. It is a sobering challenge. So think about it--what does your love look like? Does it look like Christ's love? 

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