Sunday, November 13, 2011

Craft Fair

The Red Creek Craft Fair is this coming Saturday, November 19th from 9 am to 3 pm. I will be setting up a booth with both my canvases as well as my NOTE CARDS that are now available. So stop in, say "Hi", and check out my work! I hope to see you all there!

The deadline for Christmas orders is December 1st. This is only a few weeks away, so please get your orders to me as soon as possible. Just email:  

The note cards that are now available come in sets of 6 for $8. If you are interested in buying them individually or in large amounts, contact me for prices and we'll work it out. Thanks!

Have an great day, and spend some time reflecting on the glory of our amazing God!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trees of Righteousness

Trees of righteousness, rooted in solid ground, firm through the fierce droughts and storms of life. Planted by the LORD to glorify Him. Is this what our Christian life looks like? Are we strong trees that know how to find the love and strength that only God can give in the roots that are deep in Him? Or are we little saplings, twisting and bending in the wind, only to be uprooted when storms come. Wherever we are, whatever the stature of our growth, we must constantly be seeking a stronger relationship with Christ. Without Him, we will wither and die. So what makes us grow? Not worldly possessions--not earthly treasures. Our growth comes when we spend time in the Bible--earnestly searching to know more about God. Growth comes when we spend time talking to our Saviour, our Father, deepening the relationship we have with Him. Growth comes when we spend time with other Christians, encouraging them and being encouraged by them. So how are we doing? Are we becoming strong trees that cannot be shaken, or are we content to be little saplings?

Friday, October 21, 2011


So I'm not sure how much shopping any of you do, but if you're a dedicated shopper like I am, you may have noticed something recently. The shopping isles are filling with Christmas decorations! Are you ready for this??? CHRISTMAS IS ACTUALLY NOT FAR AWAY! So if you are interested in getting any of my pictures on canvas to give as Christmas gifts, now is the time to start deciding what you want and sending me an email :) Hope to hear from you soon!

What safety and comfort we have in our Strong Tower! What a refuge in times of lonely despair. In Him we find hope, courage, and peace. Christ is truly all that we ever need--all that we ever should want or desire. C.H Spurgeon said, "If God is with us, we are in ennobling company, even though we are poor and despised. If God is with us, we have all-sufficient strength, for nothing can be too hard for the Lord. If God is with us, we are always safe, for no one can harm those who walk under His shadow. Oh, what a joy we have here! Is not the very name of Jesus, Immanuel--"God with us" (Matthew 1:23)? Is not this the best of all, that God is with us? Let us be bravely diligent and joyously hopeful. Our cause must prosper, the truth must win, for the Lord is with those who are with Him." What more can be said? We have such a glorious Savior, such a loving Father, such a kind Comforter, such a STRONG TOWER!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Loving Like Christ

Oh, the lessons we can learn from our Savior--from His unfailing love and endless faithfulness. In comparison with Him, how does our love look? Do we love like our Savior loved? Hudson Taylor, one of the greatest missionaries of all times, wrote in his journal one day, "When we look at ourselves--at the littleness of our love, the barrenness of our service, and the small progress we make toward perfection--how soul-refreshing it is to turn and gaze on Him." So often we fall so short in our strivings to imitate our Saviour. Yet He is forgiving, and He lifts us up when we fall--gives us another chance. Nothing can separate us from God's love. It reaches on and on. It was love for the world that motivated God to send His only Son to die in the place of sinners. Can we love like that? So unselfishly, so freely. It is a sobering challenge. So think about it--what does your love look like? Does it look like Christ's love? 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thankful for the Giver of All

So as we enter this autumn season, what are you thankful for? If you started a list of things you were thankful for, what would be on top of your list? Perhaps family. Maybe friends, maybe even your church, opportunities you’ve had to share the Gospel, or maybe God’s protection throughout the year. But what about God himself. What about His attributes. Surely these should be the very joy of our lives. God should be our delight; His attributes should be the thing in our lives that we are most thankful for. So this thanksgiving season, focus on how His attributes and His character have blessed you throughout the year. You will never be able to list them all. His love—given so bountifully, so unconditionally, so freely to all. His holiness—giving us a goal to strive after. His mercy—giving us another chance when we have failed, and another, and another. His peace—that has helped us through the trials. The list goes on and on. This picture is a great reminder to be thankful for the love of our God. Leave a comment and let me know what YOU are thankful for this season.
1 Chronicles 16 34 copyright

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Source of Peace

When my life is full of sorrow,
And my heart no more can sing,
To the foot of the cross of Calvary
My burden I will bring.

Peace, oh what peace, then engulfs my soul.
Joy fills my nights and days.
Peace, oh what peace, Jesus brought to me
On my lips is a song of praise.

At the feet of Christ my Savior 
I can find a sweet relief,
So I run to the arms of Jesus
To pour out every grief.

Peace, oh what peace, then engulfs my soul.
Joy fills my nights and days.
Peace, oh what peace, Jesus brought to me
On my lips is a song of praise.

When I stray from Christ my Savior,
And my heart is dark within.
Then I kneel at the feet of Jesus,
And He will cleanse my sin.

Peace, oh what peace, then engulfs my soul.
Joy fills my nights and days.
Peace, oh what peace, Jesus brought to me
On my lips is a song of praise.

In your time of deepest trial, 
When you don't know what to do
Then just take to the Lord your anguish
And He will help you through.

Peace, oh what peace, will engulf your soul
Joy will fill nights and days.
Peace, oh what peace, Christ will bring to you
On your lips will be songs of praise.

The Joy of Praising

From the rising to the setting of the sun, each day, every day. We are to be continually and constantly praising our Lord. How can we not? As we watch the rising and setting sun, as we consider our Savior's love and majesty, as we see every detail that He works out in our lives, when we consider the life He has saved us from and the life He is giving us, how can we do anything but praise Him! What a wonderful praise-worthy God we have! To praise Him is not just a responsibility, it is an opportunity. We have the privilege to show our love and gratefulness to our God by praising Him.  When praising Him becomes a duty rather than a delight, we have lost the real sense of praise. Praising Him should bring us joy!

Friday, July 29, 2011

First Canvas!!!

My first canvas came today!!! I'm so excited about it!!! I'll post pictures soon. CANVASES ARE NOW AVAILABLE!!! Just send me an email with what size and picture you want, and your canvas should come in about a week. Email me for prices. Thanks!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


   I just wanted to get some insight from those who visit my blog:
      First, which translation would you prefer?
           (1) King James Version
           (2) New American Standard
           (3) English Standard Version
           (4) New International Version
           (5) New King James Version

  I also wanted to let you know that if you have a specific verse that you would like on a print or a canvas, just send me and email, and we'll work it out. Also, if there is one of my pictures that you would like with a different translation, I can do that as well. Just leave me a comment or send me and email. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

John 7:38

Those of us who have placed our faith in Jesus Christ have the assurance that we will never thirst again! We will never again need to search for something that will satisfy the emptiness of our lives. Our hearts are filled with the living water that only Jesus can give. John 4:14 says, "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." As Christians, we also have a responsibility to share the good news of living water with the unsaved people all around us. We must share with them the message of salvation. We must never take for granted the wonderful gift of living water that the Lord has given to each of his children.

Isaiah 45:6

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Psalm 147:7-8

Psalm 95:3-4

Standing in Awe of Him

Does creation make you stand in awe of the awesome God who created everything? Surely such beauty could only have come with a loving God's creativity. I especially love how this verse reflects the joy and beauty of the sunrise and sunset by saying they shout for joy! What a beautiful way to show the excitement of such a wonderful creation. As I worked on this photo, I also began to think about my responsibility to praise God. If the dawn and the sunset are shouting for joy and praising their Creator, how much more should I, as His child, praise Him! How can I not praise Him? When I consider the beauty of creation, the beauty of His redemptive work, the beauty of what He is making me, and the beauty of my God, I cannot help but praise Him!

Isaiah 40:8

The Word of our God stands forever! It is not changed through time or shaken by the centuries. It does not need to adapt to modern society. It is perfect for all people, in every generation, in every area of the world. It will always be sure. It has been preserved from the beginning, and it will be preserved to the end. So many things in our lives come and go. God and His Word will always be. He will never leave us or forsake us.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Isaiah 40:8

Ok, so I couldn't decide which picture to put this verse on, so this is the second picture with this verse. If you ever want a different translation or are interested in having a verse of your choice on a photo, just send me an email and we'll work it out.

Psalm 23:2-3

What a comfort to know that we have a Shepherd leading us through life. With Him guiding us, we will never be in need. He makes our burdens lighter, and our paths easier to walk. Just as sheep need a Shepherd to guide them, we as Christians must follow the voice of our Shepherd. 

Psalm 57:10

Since the beginning, people have searched for truth. They have searched for it everywhere, but in vain. Only in our Lord can we find the source of truth. Our God not only is the definition of truth, but He shows lovingkindness to sinful people. What a vast difference between what God gives us and what we deserve!

Isaiah 26:4

What an amazing promise and great comfort this is! He is our everlasting Rock. When the storms of life seem to toss us in every direction, He will be our solid ground! We can always trust in the faithfulness of our God.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Proverbs 4:18

This verse seems to go along with the theme of my blog. As we reflect the glory of our God, our lives will grow brighter and brighter. Through time spent in prayer and in the Bible, we will begin to show those around us just a part of the awesomeness of God. What a serious thought and great challenge this is--that our lives must be reflections of God's glory. As Christians, our lives will one day be at full brightness. We will shine like the gleaming sun at full day! This should be our goal--to shine brighter and brighter for the Lord.

Isaiah 55:8-9

Isn't this such a good thing! It is a great comfort to know that God has an infinitely better plan for our lives than we can even comprehend. His ways are not our ways, and though we sometimes struggle for our own way, God always has a better plan for our lives. 

Psalm 8:9

Every time I see a sunrise, a rainbow, a flower, a dewdrop, a leaf, a child, I see the wonder and beauty of God's creation. What amazing details and perfect beauty are in even the simplest of creation. Surely our God is majestic! All of the earth declares the wonder of His name!