Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thankful for the Giver of All

So as we enter this autumn season, what are you thankful for? If you started a list of things you were thankful for, what would be on top of your list? Perhaps family. Maybe friends, maybe even your church, opportunities you’ve had to share the Gospel, or maybe God’s protection throughout the year. But what about God himself. What about His attributes. Surely these should be the very joy of our lives. God should be our delight; His attributes should be the thing in our lives that we are most thankful for. So this thanksgiving season, focus on how His attributes and His character have blessed you throughout the year. You will never be able to list them all. His love—given so bountifully, so unconditionally, so freely to all. His holiness—giving us a goal to strive after. His mercy—giving us another chance when we have failed, and another, and another. His peace—that has helped us through the trials. The list goes on and on. This picture is a great reminder to be thankful for the love of our God. Leave a comment and let me know what YOU are thankful for this season.
1 Chronicles 16 34 copyright


  1. Stunning...what an excellent illustration of the verse. Thank you.

    joy & blessings,

  2. You are so talented!
    Good luck with your plans for the future.
    I am most thankful for His grace and love.
    God Bless you,

  3. I found you through Internet Cafe (and just have to say, I love your blog! Feels like a kindred spirit) and want to invite you to link up for Brag on God Friday. Seems right up your alley.

  4. Thank you all for your comments!! It's a great encouragement to hear from you all. All the credit for the things i do belongs to God. It's only by His grace! Thank you all so much for reading my blog. :)

  5. Emily! You have made me think!I have been listing on Facebook what I am thankful for... well I never thought of listing why I am thankful for God! Thank you!
